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Privacy Policy


When engaging with Manage Mode Pty Ltd as a participant or a plan nominee you agree to us collecting personal information.

Personal information includes your name, address, contact details, age, date of birth, health information and other information such as your provider and supports background.

Using and disclosing your personal information has a purpose which includes:

  1. Storage of information including invoices and service agreements (per NDIA requirement).
  2. Other purposes permitted and/or required by the NDIA.
  3. To assist with administrative purposes such as processing service provider payments and assisting governing body with their audit procedures.
  4. Being able to assist you with your plan queries.

You agree to:

  • Manage Mode discussing your plan with NDIA and it’s contractors;
  • Manage Mode discussing with other service providers the support services that have been, or will be, provided by them.
  • Manage Mode making any arrangements necessary to allow your service providers to be paid from your NDIS funds on your behalf.

Feedback, complaints and disputes

Feedback is always appreciated, whether good or bad. As such any feedback is encouraged to be provided to us via:

Phone: (08) 6115 6388


If the participant or plan nominee is still not satisfied with the outcome they may contact the National Disability Insurance Agency by calling
1800 800 110.

Feedback can be lodged at:

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