Terms & Conditions
We believe the National Disability Insurance Scheme is an incredibly important and valuable program.
We place great pride in our offering and as such we have outlined the guidelines we operate by below.
The participant and the service provider agree that this Agreement is in line with the ideals of the NDIS. These ideals include having more choice and control, achieving your goals and taking part in the community.
Responsibilities of the provider (Manage Mode Pty Ltd): |
1. Treat the participant and/or nominee with courtesy and respect at all times. |
2. Answer all NDIS related questions within our expertise whilst communicating openly
and in a timely manner. |
3. Pay provider invoices quickly and efficiently. |
4. Provide monthly statements of your expenditure as well as remaining funding (if
requested). |
5. Store your paperwork (invoices, service agreements) for the regulatory minimum
timeframe. |
6. Act as the participants plan manager in line with the approved NDIS plan timeframes
(provide services in line with budget). |
7. Listen to feedback and act on concerns whilst following a complaint process in line
with NDIS policy. |
8. Abide by NDIS price guides, ensuring to the best of our ability that only payments
outlined as acceptable by NDIS standards are processed. |
9. Inform the participant / nominee where an invoice provided is not covered by the
NDIS and work with the participant to ensure the right decision is made. |
10. To ensure continuity of service we will update service bookings on the government
portal (PRODA) in the event of the NDIS plan being renewed, reviewed or a new plan
coming into place. For example, when a new plan comes into place, we will update
the start and end dates to ensure we can continue to process any relevant payments. |
11. Unless otherwise advised, we will endeavour to assist your providers / suppliers / related
parties with any queries relating to payment of services provided in order to ensure
compliance with your approved plan and NDIS price standards. |
Responsibilities of the participant and/or nominee: |
1. Treat the provider with courtesy and respect. |
2. Communicate openly with the provider about the participants needs. |
3. Let us know the providers you are engaging, their contact details and the service
agreements or arrangements you have with them. |
4. Only purchasing supports that are reasonable and necessary as defined by the NDIA. |
5. Ensure all invoices are sent to invoices@managemode.com.au for processing. |
6. Communicate any concerns to the provider so we can act to resolve them (see
“Feedback, complaints and disputes” below). |
7. Inform the provider as soon as possible when there is a change (replacement or
suspension) of the participants plan. |
8. Give 1 months’ notice in order to end this service agreement (both provider and
participant included). |
How will payments be made: |
1. Manage Mode Pty Ltd will secure payment for our service in line with your budget by
directly lodging an invoice through the NDIA.
2. For other service providers you chose to use, we will pay the outstanding amounts on your behalf provided: i. The service satisfies the reasonable and necessary support tests as outlined by the NDIA. The claim is successful through the NDIA. |
How will payments be made: |
Goods and services provided in Australia are subject to s 38-38 of the A New Tax System
(Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999. The Parties confirm that the supply of Manage Mode Pty
Ltd supports under this Service Agreement is a supply of one or more of the reasonable and
necessary supports specified in the statement included, under s 33(2) of the NDIS Act, in your
Plan. Goods and services tax (GST) may be payable on Other Support Services provided to the Customer by a service provider even if that provider is not a registered service provider with the NDIA. If so, the GST payable will be funded by the Customer’s Plan. |